• Image of Mens Cut Tee - No Todos Los Recuerdos Son Bellos
  • Image of Mens Cut Tee - No Todos Los Recuerdos Son Bellos
  • Image of Mens Cut Tee - No Todos Los Recuerdos Son Bellos

Image is made from an original piece of art.
‘No Todos Los Recuerdos Son Bellos’
(Not All Memories Are Beautiful)
Memories can be fond and joyful, but there are some that carry with them the sadness, pain and darkness. She tried to focus on the pleasant, the wonderful moments shared together. Yet there is pain and sorrow in some memories. Tears and anger. Not all memories are beautiful.
This final piece is 3/3 beautiful faces in my collection titled ‘Te Recuerdo En Mis Suenos’.